Opioid Epidemic in Latino Communities.

Thursday_673x324 12THURSDAY, AUGUST 13
PROGRAM # 8975 12:00 PM PT

Opioid Epidemic in Latino Communities.

Washington state is being battered by an epidemic of addiction involving prescription pain medications, heroin and synthetic opioids. Hundreds die each year in Washington from opioid overdose. And while public attention centers on white victims, opioid-related deaths are increasing among people of color. The sister of a young drug addict talks about how he turned to drugs, became addicted, lost jobs, family and freedom, and struggles to overcome drug abuse and addiction. A panel of experts discusses the new rise of the opioid epidemic and overdose deaths during the coronavirus pandemic, the development of drug tolerance, dependence and addiction, prevention and education efforts, access to addiction treatment, the new cure for overdoses, and the steps recommended for parents to better raise their kids, promote resiliency and help kids develop social skills and emotional competence.

Guests: Dr. Ileana Ponce González, Executive Director, Community Health Worker Coalition for Migrants and Refugees, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; Minerva Pardo, Family Engagement Coordinator, West Valley School District, Yakima, WA; Lizbeth Macedo, Coordinator of Substance Abuse Prevention, Tieton and Cowiche Schools, Yakima, WA; “Antonia,” Sister of Opioid Drug Addict, Yakima, WA; Aracely García, Administrative Assistant, Opioid Education Project, KDNA Radio, Granger, WA; Martin Yanez, Director, Opioid Education Project, KDNA Radio, Granger, WA.

Photo: healthblog.uofmhealth.org 

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