Medi-Cal for Undocumented Kids Starts.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MAY 18.
PROGRAM # 7785 12:00 PM PT

Medi-Cal for Undocumented Kids Starts.

Enrollment in full Medi-Cal for low-income undocumented children begins this week, under the new Health for All Kids law. California becomes the largest state to provide health care to all low-income children, including the undocumented. In this program, impacted families talk about their plans to enroll, and their hopes and fears, the author of the legislation celebrates the debut of the law, and an advocate clarifies how to take advantage of this new opportunity.

Guests: Nancy Gómez, Program Director, Southern California, Health Access, Los Angeles, CA; (Audio Recordings) Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-LA, Author of Health for All Children Law, Sacramento, CA; Mothers of Potential Beneficieries: Yolanda Espino, Veronica Morales, Liz Velazquez, Fresno CA, and Doris Zamora and Carla Alvarenga, Los Angeles, CA.


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