The Worsening Opioid Crisis.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, MAY 6
PROGRAM # 9249 12:00 PM PDT

The Worsening Opioid Crisis.

Opioid overdose deaths were spiking in the months preceding the coronavirus pandemic, but the opioid fatalities have accelerated since the start of the pandemic. Health officials have sounded the alarm and issued health advisories to respond to the new wave of drug overdoses. Why is this surge in drug overdoses happening? What’s been done in the opioid hot-spots in Washington State? Former addicts call in to share their experience with drug dependency and rehabilitation, and health officials discuss the latest treatments available to save lives from overdosing.

Guests: Sigifredo Zermeno, Director of Treatment, United Family Center, Grandview, WA; Erika Ochoa, Community Health Specialist, Yakima Health District, Yakima, WA; Carlos Guerrero, Recovering Drug Addict, Prevention Campaign User, Portland, OR; Martin Yanez, Opioid Manager Program, Radio Cadena, Granger, WA; Elizabeth Torres, Research Coordinator, Proyecto Bienestar, Radio Cadena, Granger, WA.


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