Coronavirus Emergency: Extended Edition.

Monday_673x324 1MONDAY, MARCH 16
PROGRAM # 8829 10:00 AM PT

Coronavirus Emergency: Extended Edition.

The latest toll of COVID-19 infections and deaths, the declaration of a national emergency and emergencies in counties such as Fresno and Madera, California’s decision to close bars and nightclubs, and limit restaurant attendance, the closure of school districts in a number of states, the reports of panic shopping, and health-oriented and legal advice for families and workers when a person gets sick or is unable to go to work. These and more topics are discussed with a legal expert and reporters in this special edition.

Guests: Francisco Rios, News Director, KDNA-Radio Cadena, Granger, WA; Ruben Tapia, Reporter, Los Angeles, CA; Alexis Alvarez, Attorney, Legal Aid At Work, San Francisco, CA.


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