Virginia Election: The Latino Factor. Also, Attacks on Healthcare Markets.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26
PROGRAM # 8186 12:00 PM PT

Virginia Election: The Latino Factor.

As the governor race in Virginia is heating up, Latino groups charge the Republican candidate with resorting to race-baiting attacks. Campaign ads are tying gangs and crime to immigration and to his Democratic opponent. The election in Virginia, a swing state, is seen as a test for Latino voter enthusiasm and turn out at the national level.

Guests: Michelle LaRue, Director of Virginia, CASA in Action, Woodbridge, VA

Attacks on Healthcare Markets. The Trump administration is halting payments to insurers on subsidies that help low-income people afford coverage under ACA. California’s Attorney General and 17 other states sought an emergency court injunction to force Trump to continue paying the subsidies. A federal judge decided against the injunction. Meantime, while acknowledging they face an uphill battle, bipartisan senators are forging ahead with their unlikely deal to stabilize the health care law. While they have been able to gather the votes, Senate leaders are not opening the floor to a vote.

Guests: Rebecca DeLaRosa, MPA, Director of Legislative Affairs, Latino Coalition for a Healthy California, Sacramento, CA.


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