The Pro-Health Care Vote.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, AUGUST 15
PROGRAM # 7857 12:00 PM PST.

The Pro-Health Care Vote.

In November, Californians will be asked to vote on ballot initiatives that would raise money for health care programs through taxes. One would tax the state’s highest earners and the other one cigarette packs. Proposition 55 seeks to extend a tax increase on high-earning people to help fund health care and education. Proposition 56 would impose higher tobacco taxes to reduce youth smoking and pay for healthcare, cancer treatment and smoking prevention. Health care and political leaders present their side of the story.

Guests: Sen. Kevin de Leon, President Pro Tempore, California State Senate, Los Angeles, CA; Assemblyman Miguel Santiago, Majority Whip, California State Assembly, Los Angeles, CA; Nancy Gómez, Southern California Program Director, Health Access, Glendale, CA; Dr. Claudia Alvarez, Family Medicine, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Harbor City, CA.


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