The Ulysses Syndrome.

Tuesday_673x324 11TUESDAY, AUGUST 18
PROGRAM # 8978 11:00 AM PT

The Ulysses Syndrome.

For millions of people all over the world, the act of migration from one country to another entails intense levels of stress. The anti-immigrant atmosphere of recent years has only increased separation from loved ones, and feelings of fear, loneliness and failure. These problems affect immigrants with an affliction called the Ulysses Syndrome. This is an exclusive interview with the pioneer scientist about the condition and with a California health service provider who examines how to use this information to meet the needs of immigrants in the U.S. This repeat program was originally aired on 2011.

Guest: Dr. Joseba Achotegui, Cultural Psychiatrist and Researcher, Professor at University of Barcelona, Spain, Interviewed in Salinas, CA,; José Montenegro, Language Professional consultant, Natividad Medical Foundation, Salinas, CA,


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