Cuba’s Vaccine Success. Also, Young Latinos at Higher Risk of Colon Cancer.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2
PROGRAM # 9521 12:00 PM PT

Cuba’s Vaccine Success.

Cuba reports an extraordinary Covid19 vaccination success, surpassing richer countries, based on four Covid vaccines developed in the island, vaccines that can be used for low-income nations. A Cuban scientist talks about these developments. He also discusses the efforts to get the Cuban vaccines approved by WHO, the progress in developing a vaccine to prevent infection and the plans to manufacture vaccines at a mass scale. He also explains how the US embargo has threatened Cuba’s access to emergency ventilators, PCR tests, and other life-saving medical supplies at a time of humanitarian crisis.

Guest: Dr. Mitchell Valdés-Sosa, Director, Cuban Center for Neuroscience, New York, NY.

Young Latinos at Higher Risk of Colon Cancer. Late-stage colorectal cancer is on the rise among young adults. While colon cancer is typically associated with people in their 50s and 60s, scientists are finding an alarming increase among people in their 40s and even their 30s and 20s. Why are kids more likely to have late-stage colorectal cancer than their parents? What to do about it? An expert talks about the findings of a recent study, the largest of its kind.

Guest: Dr. Sonia Okuyama Sasaki, American Association for Cancer Research, Oncologist, American Association for Cancer Research, Denver, CO.

Photo: PBS NewsHour via flickr

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