The Unequal Scourge of Cancer. Justice Ginsburg Legacy. Conviction on Jesuit Massacre Trial.

Monday_673x324(2)MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21
PROGRAM #9012 12:00 PM PT

The Unequal Scourge of Cancer.

A first-ever report concludes that “the immense burden of cancer is not shouldered equally by all” and warns that the pandemic is exacerbating the existing cancer health disparities. While there has been progress in areas such as the cancer death rates among Latinos and other groups of color, the news is not good in areas such as premature deaths and lost productivity. This is “one of the most pressing public health challenges that we face in the US,” states the report, adding that the Covid pandemic will only worsen the existing cancer health disparities. A prominent cancer researcher who testified and made a call to action before the US Congress and a cancer survivor who is writing a book about the lessons of her colon cancer diagnosis and treatment join this edition.

Guests: Dr. Marcia Cruz-Correa, Executive Director, UPR Comprehensive Cancer Center, Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry, UPR Medical Sciences Campus, Representative, American Association for Cancer Research, San Juan, PR; Tristana Ivette Vasquez, Cancer Survivor, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Justice Ginsburg Legacy. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg, a champion for gender equality and voting rights, has died of pancreatic cancer. What’s her legacy and its future? What are the scenarios in the political battle to fill her vacancy? And now that the court vacancy issue is front and center for the election, what voters will be more energized?

Guest: Professor Emeritus Gonzalo Santos, Sociologist, California State University Bakersfield, Bakersfield, CA.

Conviction on Jesuit Massacre Trial. Spain condemns a former Salvadoran colonel to 133 years in prison for the slaying of five Spanish priests during the civil war in El Salvador. The top prosecutor in the case comments on the meaning of this sentence in the quest to get justice for the families of the victims of the massacre and discusses the links that connect the US government to this case.

Guest: Almudena Bernabeu, Director, Guernica Center for International Justice, San Francisco, CA.


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