Trumpcare Collapses.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29
PROGRAM # 8030 12:00 PM PST.

Trumpcare Collapses.

The Republican plan to repeal and replace Obama’s health law imploded after their leader Ryan couldn’t gather the votes from his majority. Among the hardest hit by the bill would have been low-income people in conservative counties and Republican-run congressional districts. Analysts comment on this story and examine the meaning of this political defeat, its impact on Trump’s agenda, and the next battles around the implementation of the current health care law.

Guests: Ana B. Ibarra, News Reporter, Kaiser Health News, Sacramento, CA; Sinsi Hernández-Cancio, Director of Health Equity, Families USA, Washington, DC; Luis Alvarado, Republican Strategist, Media Analyst, Los Angeles, CA


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