Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JANUARY 29
PROGRAM # 9156 12:00 PM PST

Mexico Edition.

The rapid increase in Covid-19 in Mexico and the sudden mortality of pregnant women who have tested positive for the virus is alarming.The Ministry of Health has issued an epidemiological alert, and a panel of Mexican experts has made a call to avoid the use of drugs without scientific support for their effectiveness to cure or treat the virus. Also, Mexicans with dual nationality are crossing into the US to get a vaccine. On another topic, Mexican President López Obrador reaffirmed his support for plans to increase oil exploitation under government control and criticized the interests behind the renewable energy industry. This position may put his administration in a potential conflict with President Biden, who recently announced actions on Climate Change aimed at dismantling Trump’s pro-fossil fuel policies and green-lighting clean energy. In addition, the executive orders on immigration and asylum of President Biden are discussed.

Guests: (Audio Segment) President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Morning News Conference, Mexico City; Marisa Limo Garza, Deputy Director of HOPE Border Institute, in El Paso, TX, Las Cruces, NM, and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.

Photo: César Ibarra/Facebook

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