Extra Edition: Covid Variants.

Thursday_673x324 11amTHURSDAY, JUNE 17
PROGRAM # 9290 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: “Get the Vaccine, Prudencio.”

A renowned poet, writer and performer got together former students, formed the theater group “La Familia Feliz,” and is now touring small towns around the Central Valley performing the play “Vacúnate, Prudencio.” In the story, the family succeeds in pressuring and convincing the patriarch to finally get vaccinated against Covid. “In this play, we brought back to life the Teatro radio-comedy style of the 1930s in the Juarez-El Paso borderlands,” says Herrera.

Guests: Juan Felipe Herrera, US Poet Laureate Emeritus, Fowler, CA; Everardo Pedraza, Actor, Fresno, CA; Marissa Raigoza, Actor, Fresno, CA; Norma Gonzalez, Actor, Fresno, CA

Photo: paho.org

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