Extra Edition: Covid and Flu Season.

Tuesday_673x324 11TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6
PROGRAM #9029 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Covid and Flu Season.

Flu season is almost here and it’s time to make a plan to protect yourself and your loved ones. This year, as hospitals and health workers are overwhelmed dealing with the Covid pandemic, is more important than ever to get a flu shot, especially for communities of color, who are hit the hardest by diseases like asthma, diabetes, obesity and other conditions that put them at higher risk for becoming seriously ill or dying from flu. A distinguished medical expert talks about this and the progress of Covid testing and contact tracing activities in the most vulnerable communities.

Guest: Dr. Alicia Fernández, Professor of Medicine at UC San Francisco, General Internist, San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, CA.

Photo: newuniversity.org

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