PROGRAM # 9655 11:00 AM PT
Extra Edition: Delaying Memory Loss.
A first-of-its-kind study by world-renowned experts is seeking to understand how Alzheimer’s disease develops in the brain before symptoms appear and whether treatment can delay memory loss caused by Alzheimer’s disease in people at higher risk of developing the disease later in life. A member of the scientific team explains the study.
Guest: Dr. Doris Molina-Henry of the University of Southern California (USC), Member of the AHEAD Study, Los Angeles, CA.
The Red Flag Bill. The House approved a bill to reduce suicides and gun deaths and protect children and families against mass shootings. The Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Act, encourages states to create ‘red flag’ laws through a new grant program. Red flag laws allow for the temporary removal of firearms from a person who may pose a danger to others or themselves, and also prevents them from purchasing a gun. This is a conversation with the bill’s author, who lost a sister to gun violence.
Guest: Rep. Salud Carbajal, D-Santa Barbara, Washington, DC.
Photo: Danie Franco via Unsplash
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