Extra Edition: Domestic Abuse Pandemic. Also, Attacks against Asian Americans.

Tuesday_673x324 11TUESDAY, MARCH 30
PROGRAM # 9210 11:00 AM PST

Extra Edition: Domestic Abuse Pandemic.

Domestic abuse has spiked since the start of the Covid pandemic in January 2020. Quarantine-linked domestic violence is the “shadow pandemic,” with communities of color affected the most, because they have lower income and less access to social services. What to know about domestic violence during the pandemic? This is a repeat interview.

Guests: María de Jesús Jiménez, Support Services Program Director, Mujeres Unidas y Activas, San Francisco, CA.

Attacks against Asian Americans. Incidents of violence, harassment and discrimination against Asian Americans are on the rise amid the pandemic. What’s behind the attacks? Hatred and bigotry? Civil rights groups demand urgent action. This program was originally aired two weeks ago.

Guests: Robin Toma, Executive Director, Los Angeles Commission on Human Relations, County of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: Folk Wunderman Thompson/Twitter

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