Extra Edition: California’s Endemic SMARTER Plan.

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, MARCH 1
PROGRAM # 9547 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: California’s Endemic SMARTER Plan.

California announced a new plan to tackle the pandemic. This is the first plan in the nation that treats Covid as an endemic risk. Gov. Newsom said the state has to be prepared and learn to live with a virus that changes all the time. An expert comments on California’s plan and how it addresses the new Covid variants and booster shots. He also comments on the ending of school mask mandates in Western states, on how to prepare for new variants, and on news about monoclonal antibody treatments. Also, listeners share testimonies about their experiences battling Covid infections.

Guests:  Dr. Ilan Shapiro, Medical Director, AltaMed Health Services, Los Angeles, CA; Salvador Andrade, Listener, Coalinga, CA; Nemorio Acosta, Listener, Maywood, CA.

Photo: State of California

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