Extra Edition: Medi-Cal Reaches Out. Also, New Paid Family Leave Bill.

Thursday_673x324 11amTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29
PROGRAM # 9760 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Medi-Cal Reaches Out.

More than 185,000 undocumented people in California are now eligible for Medi-Cal due to recent policy changes. But even though they can benefit from doctor checkups, early diagnosis and preventive care, many Latinos are not enrolling. Now health care authorities are reaching out to them. A medical expert explains.

Guests: Dr. Ramiro Zúniga, Medical Director, Medi-Cal, Vice President, Health Net, Sacramento, CA.

New Paid Family Leave Bill. Twenty years after California led the nation in passing the landmark Paid Family Leave Law, labor leaders and legislators urge Gov. Newsom to sign a bill sitting on his desk that would make effective paid time off for workers in low paid jobs. The author of the bill and a social scientist comment on the benefits and ramifications of the proposed reform.

Guests: California State Sen. Maria Elena Durazo, D-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Misael Galdemez, Policy Analyst, UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute, Los Angeles, CA

Photo: DHCS via Facebook

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