Extra Edition: Risks of Delta Variant Spread.

Thursday_673x324 11amTHURSDAY, AUGUST 5
PROGRAM # 9339 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: Risks of Delta Variant Spread.

Amid a worrying surge in Delta variants, children are being hospitalized with respiratory illness like never before. Meantime, federal authorities are calling on fully vaccinated people to wear masks indoors as scientists find that the Delta variant produces similar amounts of virus in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. A medical expert discusses these developments, explains the way diffeent vaccines work on the immune system, and answers the call of non vaccinated listener who distrust the changing nature of information on the pandemic. A community organizer talks about the increasing number of farm workrs interested in Covid tests, community resources to get help, and measures parents can take to protect their children.

Guests: Dr. Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, Director, Center for Reducing Health Disparities, Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, UC Davis, Sacramento, CA; Nayamin Martinez, Director, Central California Environmental Justice Network, Fresno, CA.

Photo: news.harvard.edu

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