Extra Edition: Latinos at Most Risk of Dementia (Repeat Program.) Also, Health Care for the Undocumented.

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, MAY 10
PROGRAM # 9617 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Latinos at Most Risk of Dementia (Repeat Program.)

Senior Latinos are among the hardest hit by Alzheimer’s disease. A distinguished neuroscientist talks about why Latinos are the most at risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia, how giving birth more often or having less social support impacts memory and learning later in life, how being bilingual may protect against dementia, and how to take care of your brain health.

Guest: Dr. Maria Carrillo, Neuroscientist, Alzheimer’s Association chief science officer, Chicago, IL.

Health Care for the Undocumented. Beginning this week, undocumented people aged 50 and older are gaining access to Medi-Cal benefits. Meantime, Gov. Newsom is proposing universal health care coverage, including full Medi-Cal benefits for all eligible undocumented immigrants, starting in 2024. The state legislature has until June 15 to pass the proposal, included in this year’s budget. An immigrant advocate explains what these developments mean for California and comments on the resumption of the May Day pro immigrant rallies around the nation.

Guest: Enrique Morones, Founder and Executive Director, Gente Unida, San Diego, CA.

Photo: Danie Franco via Unspalsh

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