Extra Edition: A View from the Frontline.

Thursday _673x324 11amTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9
PROGRAM # 9374 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: A View from the Frontline.

The Delta variant of Covid-19 is sending people back to the hospital for urgent treatment forcing some hospitals to ration care for patients in need. A doctor on the frontline shares firsthand views on the new wave of coronavirus infections, the gravelly-ill Covid patients and the unvaccinated. She also comments on new studies showing that more people are agreeing to get vaccinated, and people with breakthrough infections are less likely to experience long Covid than the unvaccinated. Also, while strongly protected, fully vaccinated people appear to be getting breakthrough infections at a rapid rate. A community health educator dialogues with listeners who call in to question the effectiveness of the vaccine or to defend the vaccine and advise the vaccinated not to engage in risky behaviors.

Guests: Dr. Erika Flores Uribe, Emergency Room, Department of Health Services, Los Angeles County/USC Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA; Nayamin Martinez, Executive Director, la Red de Justicia Ambiental del Centro de California, Fresno, CA.

Photo: texastribune.org

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