Extra Edition: AIDS Crisis. Also, Early Voting and Census Count.

Wednesday_673x324 11WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7
PROGRAM #9031 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: AIDS Crisis.

Latino communities are experiencing a growing health crisis as the number of HIV diagnoses among Latino gay, bisexual, and transgender men increases. A new report called “Here as I am” investigates how social, economic and political forces affect the health and well-being of Latino men living with HIV. The initiative found that many of these men with HIV are not receiving the care they need due to the stigma, fear, or discrimination faced by many communities of color. This is a special ahead of National Latino AIDS Awareness Day.

Guest: Guillermo Chacón, President, AIDS Latino Commission, New York, NY.

Early Voting and Census Count. An immigrant rights leader talks about efforts in Northern California to reach out to immigrant families to encourage them to fill out the Census forms, register new voters, and engage young people in get-out-the-vote activities.

Guest: Maricela Gutiérrez, Executive Director, SIREN, San José, CA.

Photo: dosomething.org 

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