Extra Edition: Mobile Clinics, Immigrant Detainees, and More.

Thursday_673x324 11amTHURSDAY, MARCH 9
PROGRAM # 9939 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Mobile Clinics, Immigrant Detainees, and More.

California Covid-19 state of emergency has ended. How does it impact the rural areas? And as rural residents face a number of challenges to access health care, Fresno County is investing in new mobile clinics to offer check-ups for farmworkers in their own communities. On other news, immigrants detained at Mesa Verde and Golden State Annex ICE centers in the San Joaquin Valley are suing, complaining of retaliation due to a hunger strike protest. Finally, Radio Bilingüe is preparing to launch a new information program for local communities and wants to hear from listeners.

Photo: Guido Hofmann via Unsplash

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