Extra Edition: Beneficiaries of New Health Care Law.

Tuesday_673x324 11 amTUESDAY, AUGUST 3
PROGRAM # 9336 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: Beneficiaries of New Health Care Law.

As the number of Covid is on the rise in California, Gov. Newsom visited hard-hit Central Valley and signed a law to expand health care to include undocumented immigrants age 50 and older. Potential beneficiaries of the new law share their concerns and hopes. On another topic, while the massive wildfires in California and the West are leaving a devastating toll, out of the headlines there are fires that are of a lesser scale but no less disastrous for small communities. A reporter went to witness the impact of a recent fire in a rural town in Central California.

Guest: Madi Bolaños, Reportera, KVPR/Central Valley News Collaborative, Fresno, CA; Genoveva Islas, Executive Director, Cultiva la Salud, Fresno, CA; Others TBA.

Photo: yesmagazine.org

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