Extra Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 9103TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1
PROGRAM # 9103 11:00 AM PST

Extra Edition.

Medicare Open Enrollment ends on December 7. This is the time to make changes to health or prescription drug plans or select a new plan for 2021. This year, Medicare plans have historically low plan premiums and new insulin savings plans for people with diabetes. On other news, the Open Enrollment to enroll or change ACA’s Marketplace health insurance for coverage that starts Jan 1 ends on December 15. In response to the pandemic, health insurers are lowering rates or issuing slower premium increases. Experts provide guidance to consumers.

Guests: Carolina Fortin-Garcia, Spokesperson, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Washington, DC; Yurina Melara, Spokesperson, Covered California, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: Sherry Perez

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