Extra Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 9110TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8
PROGRAM # 9110 11:00 AM PST

Extra Edition.

Medical experts and public health leaders share the latest news on the Covid-19 pandemic and provide critical advice to prevent new infection outbreaks during the holidays. They talk about the prospects to have a Covid-19 vaccine authorized and distributed by the end of the year and warn the community against super spreading holiday gatherings, plans for travel, emotional fatigue, and more. A well known actress and TV host talks about her campaign to donate hundreds of PPE gowns to doctors and community clinics. This is a program repeat.

Guests: Dr. Alicia Fernández, Professor of Medicine at UC San Francisco, General Internist, San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, CA; Yolanda A. Pineda-Vargas, Continuing Spanish Lecturer, University of California-Merced, Literature, Languages, and Cultures Department, School of Social Sciences Humanities and Arts, Merced, CA; Fernanda Kelly, Founder, The Medical Gown Project, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: Science|Business/Twitter

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