Immigration Edition. Also, Georgia Runoff: Early Voting.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29
PROGRAM # 9839 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Calling it a “catastrophic disrespect for human rights,” a senator from Georgia released the results of a bipartisan investigation into medical abuse of women detainees in a federal immigration detention center. The investigators found that women detained in Georgia were subjected to abuse and forced medical procedures and surgeries. What changes can be expected in the oversight of the questioned centers?

Georgia Runoff: Early Voting. All eyes are on Georgia as voters turn out to cast their ballots in a week of early voting in a highly-competitive runoff race for a crucial Senate seat. Incumbent Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock faces off against far-right Herschel Walker. While the Democrats have clinched control of the Senate, the Georgia runoff result can determine how much of a leverage Democrats will have. What role are Latino voters and civic groups playing in the early voting and the election results?

Photo: Denis Oliveira via Unsplash

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