Immigration Edition.

Molly Adams via flickr
PROGRAM #9014 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Members of Congress intervened to halt the deportation of a detained immigrant woman who complained that doctors at a Georgia detention center performed forced hysterectomy, a traumatic experience that according to a whistleblower nurse, was also performed on more detained immigrant women. This case raises questions about the safety and human rights of detainees and into the long history of forced sterilizations targeting Latinas and women of color. It has also raised suspicions of eugenics practices and calls for UN intervention. Congress is launching an inquiry and civil groups are suing ICE and other agencies. Also, an immigration lawyer provides advice to TPS beneficiaries who may fear deportation after a federal court granted the Trump administration the authority to end the program. The program also includes news about activities during National Voter Registration Day, and a new law in California providing anti-poverty tax credits to immigrant workers who file their taxes with ITIN.

Guests: Adelina Nichols, Executive director, Georgia Alliance for Human Rights, Atlanta, GA; Monica Ramirez, Co-Founder and President, The Latinx House, Fremont, OH; Allison Davenport, Supervising Attorney, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, San Francisco, CA.

Photo: Molly Adams via flickr

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