Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324(6)TUESDAY, APRIL 14
PROGRAM # 8853 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Millions of farmworkers are considered “essential” workers and continue risking their lives working out in the fields to feed those “sheltering in place.” Still, farmworkers are not entitled to basic benefits and many are not even given basic protection against coronavirus. Legislators in California are introducing a relief package to help protect the health, safety and economy of fieldworkers, including paid family leave, supplementary risk pay, and temporary housing. Also, farmworker leaders in Florida urge Gov. DeSantis help protect farmworkers against COVID-19 by creating a temporary hospital, personal protective gear, and free coronavirus tests. On other news, social activists are being forced to quickly innovate because the pandemic upended the census, the elections, and movements for social justice. A veteran activist believes that from the pain, loss and anger of the pandemic may emerge a renewed spirit of community and solidarity, and to start, he proposes visualizing recovery, advocate for quick relief delivery and for expanding “voting at home.”

Guests: California State Assemblymember Eduardo García, D-Coachella, Coachella, CA; Larry Kleinman, Political Analyst, Radio Poder, PCUN, Salem, OR; Lucas Benítez, Coordinator, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Immokalee, FL.


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