“Sweet Poison.”

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JULY 13
PROGRAM # 7834 12:00 PM PT

“Sweet Poison.”

Mexico is fourth in soft drink consumption in the world, and at the same time among the most obese and diabetic countries on the planet. Aware about the connections, a group of artists, consumer advocates and media activists came together to produce an album entitled Dulce Veneno (“Sweet Poison”), in which they sing about the power of the soda industry, the “Coca-coholism,” and the epidemics of obesity and diabetes that are ravaging the country.

Guests: Veronica Ruiz, Grupo Soultik; Georgina Equihua, Grupo Ave Sol; Amaranta Rodriguez, Executive Director, Cacto Producciones, Mexico City; Alma Martinez, Former Producer for Radio Bilingüe, Health Communications Specialist, Fresno, CA.

Photo: sailhome.org

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