Blood Donation: Act of Love.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14
PROGRAM # 9532 12:00 PM PT

Blood Donation: Act of Love.

This Valentine’s Day edition features stories of volunteers who are showing their love to their community by donating blood to patients in need. A young student who for years helped save the life of a number of patients in need of platelets received in reciprocity an outpour of blood donations when he was struggling for his life after a horrific car accident. He now thanks the many donors from different countries for what he calls his “miraculous recovery.” In another case, after learning that convalescent plasma was helping treat gravely-ill patients, a Covid-19 survivor felt the need to enlist herself as a blood donor to help those struggling with severe Covid. In another story, the daughter of a patient who was treated with donated plasma is now organizing blood drives to raise awareness about the critically low blood supply and encourage donations in memory of her now deceased father. Finally, an expert answers common questions about how to donate blood and help solve the current blood shortage crisis.

Guests: Jorge Sincuir, Blood Donor and Recipient, Clinical Lab Technician Student, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Angela Quintana, Organizer, Memorial Blood Drive, Fresno, CA; María de Jesús Gómez, Donor of Covid Convalescent Plasma, Fresno, CA; Cari Dighton, Spokesperson for West Coast, American Red Cross, San Francisco, CA.

Photo: American Red Cross Blood Donors via facebook

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