Giving Emotional Help. Also, A Stressful Holiday Season for Latinos.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5
PROGRAM # 9493 12:00 PM PDT

Giving Emotional Help.

California’s leading mental health agency launched a new campaign encouraging people to take steps to check in, learn more, and get support for their own mental health and the mental health of their loved ones. This effort takes place at a time of heightened fear, stress and anxiety brought by the threat of new coronavirus variants on the holiday gatherings.

Guests: Rocío Pedroso, Suicide Prevention Expert, “Take Action for Mental Health” Campaign, California Mental Health Services Authority, Gilroy, CA.

A Stressful Holiday Season for Latinos. Latinos are more worried and stressed about the holiday season than any other people. Experts blame this exacerbated stress on the outsized impact of Covid-19 on the Latino community as well as the historic effects of racism. Organized psychiatrists are reaching out to Latinos to bridge the enormous gap of mental health care services in this underserved community.

Guests: Dr. Hector Colon-Rivera, President, Hispanic Caucus, American Psychiatric Association.


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