A National Blood Crisis.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JANUARY 31
PROGRAM # 9518 12:00 PM PT

A National Blood Crisis.

A hospital in Los Angeles was forced this month to temporarily close its trauma center because it ran out of blood for patients. This is part of a national blood crisis, “the worst blood shortage in over a decade,” according to humanitarian leaders. During the pandemic, the number of blood donors went down and now hospitals are in critical need of blood supplies to provide vital medical treatments. Blood transfusions can be a life-saving procedure for critically-ill patients, including those with injuries, cancer and other illnesses. Top experts dispel common misconceptions and encourage people, especially young adults, to become donors. A donor talks about her experience and how she became aware of the need to donate blood.

Guests: Dr. Jorge Ríos, Medical Director, Massachusetts and Northern New England Region, Blood Services, American Red Cross, Dedham, MA; Dr. Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, Director, UC Davis Center for Reducing Health Disparities, Davis, CA; María Concepción Nieto, Janitor, Blood Donor, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: Maryland Gov Pictures via flickr

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