Latino Physicians Crisis. Also, Latino Mental Health Care Crisis.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, AUGUST 26
PROGRAM # 8680 12:00 PM PT

Latino Physicians Crisis.

In California, it will take at least five centuries to address the shortage of Latino doctors, putting at risk the health of all Californians. Scientists are giving this warning along with recommendations for policymakers.

Guest: Laura Martínez, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.

Latino Mental Health Care Crisis. The demand for mental health care services in Spanish is rapidly growing. But bilingual, bicultural therapists are few and far between in mental health care institutions. This lack of Spanish-language services could lead to misdiagnosis and other problems. Latino leaders are calling on schools and the mental health system to do more to attract Latinos and help them overcome career barriers.

Guest: Dr. Jane Delgado, President, National Alliance for Hispanic Health, Washington, DC.


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