Covid, Racism, and Dementia.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17
PROGRAM # 9717 12:00 PM PT

Covid, Racism, and Dementia.

Loss of smell and hospitalization in an ICU due to Covid-19 may predict dementia and functional decline in older adults. On the other hand, positive life changes such as more time with friends and family or outside in nature helps reduce the loss of memory and thinking skills. Also, problems with memory and cognition later in life hit hardest to people who experienced racial discrimination throughout their lives. Scientists discuss these and other findings by Alzheimer’s researchers.

Guests: Dr. María Carrillo, Neuroscientist, Chief Science Officer, Alzheimer’s Association, Chicago, IL; Dr. Adriana Pérez, Associate Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Photo: Danie Franco via Unsplash

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