Covid Hits Cancer Patients.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9
PROGRAM # 9528 12:00 PM PT

Covid Hits Cancer Patients.

A new, first-of-its-kind report shedding light on the impact of COVID-19 on patients with cancer is being released today. Patients with cancer not only are at increased risk for severe COVID-19, but also face cancer treatment delays and interruptions due to the pandemic, potentially worsening cancer and increased cancer deaths. A patient with metastatic cancer who was traveling from his home in Mexico City to Los Angeles to receive treatments and routine tests before the COVID-19 pandemic began and was unable to continue his visits after the borders were closed during the pandemic tells his dramatic story. His doctor, a recognized expert on melanoma, talks about the challenges to continue treating his patient across the border and the lessons from the pandemic for cancer patients and researchers. He also comments on President Biden’s Cancer Moonshot Initiative, to reduce cancer deaths in half within 25 years.

Guests: Federico de Armas Heinzen, Patient with Advanced-Stage Melanoma, Mexico City; Dr. Antoni Ribas, MD, PhD, Federico’s Doctor, Past President of the American Association for Cancer Research, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: U.S. Pacific Fleet via flickr

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