Covid-19, Diabetes and Healthy Eating.

Tuesday_673x324 11(1)TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22
PROGRAM #9013 11:00 AM PT

Covid-19, Diabetes and Healthy Eating.

If you have diabetes, you may be more likely of getting a Covid-19 infection and for sure you are at higher risk of serious complications from the infection. Experts and patients join this roundtable to discuss how to stay healthy and manage well your diabetes during the pandemic. They comment on how to have a diabetes meal plan to eat healthy and how to plan your life while self-quarantining or working remotely.

Guests: Dr. Diana Ramos, Expert on Diabetes and Covid-19, California Department of Public Health, Sacramento, CA; Dr. Ilan Shapiro, Medical Director of Health and Wellness Education, AltaMed Health Services, Los Angeles, CA.


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