Coronavirus Update. Also, Census Count Update.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MARCH 5
PROGRAM # 8822 12:00 PM PT

Coronavirus Update.

As the World Health Organization raised Coronavirus risk of spread to the highest level, the first cases of community-transmission in the US have been found in California and Oregon, and the first deaths are reported. Is the US ready to deal with the outbreak? An expert brings the latest findings on the outbreak and gives advice to people on who and when to seek COVID-19 testing and what to do when people are not covered by health insurance.

Guest: Dr. Luis Rubio, Infectious Disease Fellow, University of California – San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

Census Count Update. In one more week, the US Census Bureau website and phone numbers open up and residents can begin to respond to the count. Is the Census ready to count every one? Are people prepared? Advocates redouble efforts to reach out to people in hard to count communities of color, including Millennial students, families with young children, and people in areas with poor internet service. A Census representative clarifies the most common concerns about the count, including the false belief that the form will still ask about citizenship.

Guest: Angelica Vásquez, Media Specialist, Los Angeles Regional Census Center, U.S. Census Bureau, Los Angeles, CA.


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