Coronavirus: Latest Update.

Monday_673x324 2(1)MONDAY, MARCH 23
PROGRAM # 8837 12:00 PM PT

Coronavirus: Latest Update.

The US has the third largest number of coronavirus cases in the world and New York is ground zero. The states of New York, Washington, and California are federally declared a major disaster zone, and ten states have orders to stay home. As the coronavirus pandemic continues to cause closures across the United States, state and local governments are rushing to take dramatic steps to slow the spread of the virus and help the hardest-hot communities. Experts provide updates on the cost of the outbreak, its impact on the most vulnerable communities, calls to protect the field worker and to be considered “essential” not only in emergencies, but in daily life; emergency aid measures in the most affected states and the clash in the Senate floor over the trillion-dollar economic stimulus package.

Guests: Paulina Gonzalez-Brito, Executive Director, California Reinvestment Coalition, San Francisco, CA; Prof. Rodrigo Rentería Valencia, Commissioner, Washington State Commission on Hispanic Affairs, Yakima, WA; Dr. Rafael A. Lantigua, Professor and Vice Dean for Community Services, School of Medicine, Columbia University, New York, NY; Armando Elenes, Secretary Treasurer, United Farm Workers Union – UFW, Bakersfield, CA


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