Coronavirus: The Facts.

Wednesday_673x324(4)WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8
PROGRAM # 8849 12:00 PM PT

Coronavirus: The Facts.

As the US enters the “worst and hardest” coronavirus week, surveys show that many in the US, especially young adults and people of color, are not following “social distancing” rules. Scientists join this edition to warn about the heavy toll the pandemic is having on Latino and African-American neighborhoods, and the exacerbated prejudice against Asian-Americans due to misinformation and stigma over the coronavirus. They also explain basic facts and common questions on the coronavirus disease, including who are at most risk of serious illness, who should keep social distancing and how to disinfect food packages. They comment on the debate about wearing cloth face masks in public and over Trump’s push of hydroxichloroquine to treat coronavirus and the criteria to apply the test. They also address common beliefs like: would drinking warm water, or gargling with salty warm water help prevent COVID-19?

Guests: Dr. Marcos García-Ojeda, Immunology and Microbiology Expert, University of California Merced, Merced, CA; Dr. Alicia Fernandez, Professor of Medicine, University of California San Francisco – UCSF, Medical Internist, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, CA

Photo: Kids Coder Club/Facebook

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