Coronavirus, Schools and Learning.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MAY 4
PROGRAM # 8873 12:00 PM PT

Coronavirus, Schools and Learning.

California is considering an early start to the fall school year. In this edition, prominent California education leaders discuss the effects of the school closures on long-term education and the steps to reopen pubic schools. They discuss plans to compensate for learning loss, challenges of the transition from in-person to distance learning, support for low-income families who struggle to access internet at home, support for school meals delivery, sometimes three times a day, and training for school lunch distributors to detect signs of emotional crisis among students and families, among other topics. “This crisis is an opportunity to imagine education in the 21st century,” “public schools should not be reopened without first receiving assurances that no one is going to get sick from coronavirus and that there is sufficient coronavirus testing and infection control,” the return to school will have to be restricted: fewer children per class, with hybrid instruction: remote and in-person, and personal protective equipment,” and that this school year students will not be given grades, but” credits or not credits “, were some comments.

Guests: Xilonin Cruz-González, President, California School Board Association, Sacramento, CA; Mónica Nepomuceno, Consultant for education Programs, Mental Health Services Program, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA.


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