Coronavirus: Extra Edition.

Thursday_673x324 11THURSDAY, AUGUST 20
PROGRAM # 8981 11:00 AM PT

Coronavirus: Extra Edition.

California state’s former epidemiologist and current leader of the state battle against Covid talks about the plans of his task force, the science of Covid transmission, the risks of using home remedies or unapproved drugs or supplements to prevent or treat coronavirus, and the efforts to get everyone to wear a face mask in public places to slow the spread of coronavirus. On other story, a mother of two school-aged kids shares the story of living in isolation at home after testing positive to Covid. She talks about the testing process, the typical and atypical symptoms, the worse moments of the disease, the care provided by her 10-year-old daughter and the support of her family network, the treatment, the road to recovery and the follow up testing.

Guests: Dr. Gilberto Chávez, Co-Chair, California Covid Testing Task Force, Sacramento, CA; María de Jesús Gómez, Radio Bilingüe’s Assistant Producer, Recovering Patient from Covid Infection, Fresno, CA.


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