Coronavirus: Extra Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 11(2)TUESDAY, JUNE 2
PROGRAM # 8902 11:00 AM PT

Coronavirus: Extra Edition.

A pediatrician comments on the impact of Covid-19 on children, as reports of serious coronavirus-related illnesses in children increase. The rare but life-threatening cases of the new Multisystemic Inflammatory Syndrome in Children are explained. How to keep children healthy during the outbreak? When to take the child to the doctor and order tests for coronavirus? In addition, a high-tech expert explains Covid’s tracking technology and smartphone apps that notify users of coronavirus exposure, and comments on the reasons that hinder the United States from developing that software and putting those promising apps at the hands of consumers, when other countries have been using them successfully.

Guest: Amy L. Beck MD MPH, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Felipe Ventura, Software Engineer, Executive Director of Techqueria, Oakland, CA.


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