Healthcare Alert Continues.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28
PROGRAM # 8166 12:00 PM PT

Healthcare Alert Continues.

While the attempt to repeal Obamacare failed one more time, the threats from the White House and the Republican leaders keep the healthcare system in check, raising the prospects for higher premiums and less choices for next year. In the aftermath, activists and leaders of health centers continue in a healthcare alert, warning that community clinics face a devastating impact if Congress does not renew funding this week. Cuts to CHIP, the Children Health Insurance Program are also being debated in Congress. Advocates also comment on the upcoming open enrollment period in the marketplace insurance.

Guest: Rep. Raúl Ruiz, D-CA, Coachella, CA,; Lorena Lara, Faith in the Valley, member Building Healthy Communities South Kern’s Health Action Team, Bakersfield, CA; Marisol Guillen, Outreach Specialist, Community Health Initiative of Kern County, Bakersfield, CA,; Melissa Reyna, Medi-Cal Program Manager, Clinica Sierra Vista, Fresno, CA,


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