Divided Congress, Government Shutdown. Presidential Hopeful. Deadline to Sign Up for Health Plans. Relief for Victims of Lead Contamination, Teachers Strike.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JANUARY 14
PROGRAM # 8520 12:00 PM PT

Divided Congress, Government Shutdown.

Amid the longest shutdown of the federal government in history, House Democrats resist pressure from Trump who demands full funding of a border wall and there is no solution to the stalemate on sight. A Republican analyst discusses this topic and the prospects of progress in Washington under a divided Congress and a belligerent White House.

Guests: Alfonso Aguilar, Republican Analyst, Chair, Alianza Latina Pro Valores Conservadores, Washington, DC

Presidential Hopeful. Former Obama administration Housing secretary Julián Castro announced in his hometown, San Antonio, his decision to run for president in 2020. In his bilingual address, he proposed universal healthcare, and preschool and college for all.

Guest: (Audio Segment) Julián Castro, US Presidential Hopeful, San Antonio, TX.

Deadline to Sign Up for Health Plans. Open enrollment for health plans on the individual market ends tomorrow. On the eve of the final deadline, community health centers around Colorado are facing longer lines and helping people navigate the paperwork, sign up and select a plan.

Guest: Peggy Martinez, Outreach and Enrollment Specialist, Valley-Wide Health Systems, Inc., Alamosa, CO

Relief for Victims of Lead Contamination, Teachers Strike. Hilda Solís, supervisor of Los Angeles county, praises the decision by incoming Gov. Gavin Newsom to propose 50 million to accelerate the clean up of homes that are contaminated with toxic lead dust in areas of East Los Angeles. She also throws her support behind tens of thousands of teachers who went on strike today in the second largest school district of the nation demanding better wages and smaller class sizes.

Guest: Hilda Solís, Member of Board of Supervisors, County of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: npr.or

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