Finding the Uninsured Kids.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25.
PROGRAM # 7726 12:00 PM PT

Finding the Uninsured Kids.

Latino advocates are trying to find the remaining uninsured children in California, state that despite making historic gains in cutting down the number of uninsured children still has more than 300,000 of Latino kids without health coverage. Beginning in May, undocumented kids will be eligible for full Medi-Cal and get a number of preventive and treatment services. Children experts advise on where to seek enrollment, how to choose a health plan, how to fill out the complicated application form, and they try to alleviate fears that the new health benefits could jeopardize immigration procedures.

Guests: Nancy Marisa Gómez, Southern California Program Director, Health Access, Los Angeles, CA, ; Mayra Alvarez, President, The Children’s Partnership, Santa Monica, CA,


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