Latin Comfort Foods Made Healthy.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20
PROGRAM # 8503 12:00 PM PT

Latin Comfort Foods Made Healthy.

A celebrity chef released a bilingual book of more than one hundred traditional Latino recipes for diabetics on time for the Holiday feasts. Advising that food is the best medicine for your health, she shares her experience of health improvement and gives a number of recipes, from chilaquiles with salsa verde to quinoa oatmeal to cucumber guacamoles to parihuela peruana. Her meals are diabetes-friendly, with authentic Latino flavors and healthy and nutritious ingredients. She also gives advice on meal planning, such as choosing between frozen vs. canned, organic vs. non-organic, and natural sugar vs. sugar substitutes.

Guest: Ingrid Hoffman, Author of “Latin Comfort Foods Made Healthy,” Host of “Top Chef Estrellas” TV Show, Partner of American Diabetes Association, Miami, FL.

Photo: Ingrid Hoffmann/Facebook

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