California Heads for Universal Health Care. Also, Restoring Safety Net for Immigrant Families.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JANUARY 24
PROGRAM # 9511 12:00 PM PT

California Heads for Universal Health Care.

A state health care bill to create a single-payer system is moving forward in the California legislature. Known as CalCare, the plan would get rid of private insurers and would provide government-run coverage for all residents in the state. The plan, which needs to pass the legislature in a matter of weeks, will need approval by California voters to become a constitutional amendment. Guest analysts also comment on Gov. Newsom’s universal health care plan included in his budget proposal. This plan would pay for all low-income people’s health care costs, including those of undocumented immigrants in need.

Guests: State Assemblymember Miguel Santiago, D-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Mari López, Organizer, National Nurses United/California Nurses Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Restoring Safety Net for Immigrant Families. Latino groups urge Congress to reinstate legislation to reverse policies that since 1996 restrict safety net access for legal immigrants and their families. The Lifting Immigrant Families Through Benefits Access Restoration Act (LIFT the BAR Act) would repeal the five-year bar and other barriers that deny health care care and aid to people who are lawfully present and their families. An advocate talks about a recent poll showing overwheling support for this reform, including among conservative-leaning voters.

Guest: Eddie Carmona, Director, Protecting Immigrant Families Coalition, Sacramento, CA.

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