California’s Bold Retirement Plan.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26
PROGRAM # 7911 12:00 PM PT

California’s Bold Retirement Plan.

Gov. Brown signed into law the California Secure Choice bill, a retirement savings program for private-sector workers announced as the first of its kind in the nation. About seven million workers, nearly half of them Latinos, may benefit from this plan. In August, the federal government enacted new regulations to give states a pathway for retirement programs for private-sector workers. Experts discuss the potential impact of California’s pioneering plan, the proposed rules by the White House, and the search for a national solution to the lack of retirement coverage.

Guests: Abigail Zapote, Executive Director, Latinos for a Secure Retirement, Washington, DC; Victor Narro, Project Director, UCLA Labor Center, Professor, UCLA Law School, Los Angeles, CA.


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