Covering All Kids. Also, ColoradoCare Plan.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JUNE 6.
PROGRAM # 7798 12:00 PM PT

Covering All Kids.

The Illinois legislature passed with a bipartisan vote legislation that extends health insurance for all children, including the undocumented, confirming Illinois as the state with the highest health coverage for all children. Republican Governor Bruce Rauner is expected to sign the All Kids program into law.

Guests: Iris Martinez, Illinois State Senator, Chicago, IL; Carmen Velasquez, Founder, Alivio Medical Center, Board Member, Healthy Illinois Campaign, Chicago, IL.

ColoradoCare Plan. In Colorado, a single-payer, universal health care system will be on the November ballot. The constitutional amendment called ColoradoCare would cover all residents in the state and would be paid for with a tax increase on workers and businesses, instead of relying on deductibles.

Guests: Dr. Irene Aguilar, Colorado State Senator, Denver, CO; Miguel Oaxaca, Community leader, Together Colorado, Denver, CO


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