New Booster Shots Approved. Also, Medicare Open Enrollment.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, OCTOBER 25
PROGRAM # 9420 12:00 PM PDT

New Booster Shots Approved.

The FDA has approved booster shots for the Moderna and J&J Covid vaccines. The agency also gave a green light for people to get a booster shot of a different Covid-19 vaccine, an approach known as “mix and match.” A medical expert comments on this news and gives advice on the upcoming celebrations: is it safe for kids to go trick-or-treating this Halloween?

Guest: Dr. Sergio Aguilar Gaxiola, Director, UC Davis Center for Reducing Health Disparities, Davis, CA.

Medicare Open Enrollment. Every year, Medicare health plans change by cost, coverage, and participating providers and the open enrollment period is an opportunity to check and compare plans to find one that may have better coverage or more savings on prescriptions. Also, the 2021 American Rescue Plan is giving millions of clients of the health insurance marketplace access to expanded financial assistance so they can receive a tax credit to lower their premiums. Open enrollment ends on December 7.

Guest: Carolina Fortin-Garcia, Spokesperson, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Washington, DC.

Photo: Ramsvik fysioterapi & trening/Facebook

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